Teleology Observatory

The teleology observatory is a group of individuals that has formed in 1998 in order to introduce and develop modern teleology.

Modern teleology is the theory that affirms that all has an end and that proposes as a consequence the project of accomplishing all. This so simple idea is actually a complete critique of a world that has entirely integrated the infinite as a reality and that has abdicated mastership of totality. All the systems of thought, all the perspectives of consciousness are indeed built as if the infinite were their truth: in positive sciences as well as in human sciences, in religions, in poetry, in everyday life, in money and in communism, in matter and in communication, for history and for love, everywhere the infinite is presupposed. That is why accomplishing all immediately clashes with all the existing logics.

As an articulated thought, modern teleology was born out of two great waves of revolt in the world, the one of 1978-1982, and the one of 1988-1993. The events part contains the global analyses of these two great offensives against society, as well as a great number of insurrections and riots that have constituted them. The first formulation of modern teleology was attempted by the late Riots’ Library (1989-1995). Since the dissolution of this group, the analysis of revolt from the point of view of revolt has continued, but with the slowness and lateness of its very object.

Likewise, the record and the critique of enemy information have been initiated by the Riots’ Library and less thoroughly maintained since. The files of the events part detail a filing of some 650 press clipping files about riots and insurrections, on all continents, since 1988. It is the only attempt known today of massive detournement of dominant information. As this voluminous and uneven documentation is not available online, it may only be accessed upon motivated request.

Modern teleology is the attempt to draw theoretical conclusions from this experience of the negative, in the world. This part, treaties, is itself divided in two: a theory core (Thé au riz), with a few main texts, the oldest of which was written before 1990. Besides, the reader may notice the evolution of teleology, for instance on the question of alienation, between ‘On history’ and ‘Believing’; and a chapter designed rather for the first uses of the idea of teleology (Patates aigres-douces), often in response to external solicitations and problematics. The whole is voluntarily free of system.

The correspondence brings the contact between modern teleology and a few opponents, all radically opposed to this theory, to light. The presented exchanges mostly come from the archives of the Riots’ Library.

In the interventions part we have gathered a selection of the disputes, strongly polemical, that the teleologues have led since 1998 on the internet. The greatest part is constituted by our interventions and arguments on the debord of directors, closed since 22 April 2001, and of which we make available to the public an exhaustive backup copy (at least since the teleologues have arrived on the forum) so that neither time, nor tampered presentations and past or future falsifications may forbid an impartial read of these battles.

Lastly, a last part, other voices, offers a choice of mostly rare texts, all previously unpublished on the internet. Written outside the TO, they allow to locate modern teleology in a broader context.

Last updated on 30 November 2003


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